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TOEFL Writing

В этой секции вы пишите сочинения на основе прочитанного академического текста и прослушанной лекции и даете аргументированный письменный ответ как часть академической дискуссии на занятии

  • 1 интегрированное задание

  • 1 задание на проверку навыков письменного аргументирования

  • Общее время секции - 30 минут

Примеры заданий секции Writing

The Writing section measures your ability to use writing to communicate in an academic environment.


Question 1. Read a passage and listen to a lecture. Then write a response comparing them.


Question 2. Share your opinion in an online discussion with a professor and other students.


Question 1


For this task, you will write a response to a question about a reading passage and a lecture. You may take notes, and you may use your notes to help you write your response Your response will be scored on the quality of your writing and on how well you connect the points in the lecture with points in the reading. Typically, an effective response will have 150 to 225 words.



Reading time - 3 minutes


The solution to most problems that societies confront is a higher level of political sophistication that results from more education. When people have the facts about the issues, they will be clearer thinkers and better citizens.


Most people depend on broadcast news and print media for information about current issues. However, in addition to good information, the media contain rumors, misinformation, and politically motivated variations on the truth. The most effective remedy for misinformation is fact checking. If the information people have is incorrect, the corrected facts will enlighten them. Knowing the truth will help people reject misinformation because they will have a better understanding of the issues.


When people have all of the available information, they are able to develop intelligent, informed opinions about issues. People base their opinions on facts, and the more information they have, the more informed their opinions will be. Listening to opposing opinions is an important component of being informed. Therefore, political debate will benefit society by ensuring that citizens understand all sides of an issue.


Accurate information is necessary for solving the problems societies face. When people feel threatened, they will search for the truth. Their natural instinct is to seek information that will help them to make decisions about potential solutions to problems. They will listen to the opinions of experts and look to their elected officials for leadership. When the people are well informed, everyone will benefit: the people, the leaders, and the society as a whole.



Now listen to the recording. When you hear the question, begin your response. You may look at the reading passage during the writing time. 


Writing 1 - TOEFL iBT

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they contradict specific points made in the reading passage.


Writing time - 20 minutes


Question 2

Your professor is leading a seminar on environmental policy. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.


In your response, you should

  • express and support your personal opinion and

  • make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

You have ten minutes to read the question and write your answer.


Professor: Climate change mitigation requires strategic allocation of government resources. In the discussion board, please respond to the following question: Should the government prioritize investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar, or should it focus on improving existing fossil fuel infrastructure to make it cleaner?


Anna: I believe the government should prioritize investing in renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is sustainable and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, investing in renewables can create new jobs in emerging industries and promote technological innovation. While improving fossil fuel infrastructure might offer short-term benefits, it does not address the long-term environmental challenges we face.

James: While transitioning to renewable energy is important, I think the government should first focus on making existing fossil fuel infrastructure cleaner. This approach can provide immediate reductions in emissions and ensure energy stability during the transition period. Moreover, upgrading current systems can be more cost-effective and less disruptive than a complete overhaul to renewable sources, which might require significant investment and time.


Вопросы и ответы о TOEFL


Как часто проводится тестирование TOEFL?
Даты тестирования TOEFL iBT (компьютерный формат теста) устанавливаются заранее, и ознакомиться с ними можно на официальном сайте организации ETS (Educational Testing Service). Как правило, экзамен проводится более 50-ти раз в год в 4500 тестовых центрах в 165 странах. Подробнее узнать о датах и месте проведения TOEFL iBT можно узнать здесь.



Какое количество баллов за тест TOEFL считается хорошим результатом?
Наивысшее количество баллов за тест TOEFL iBT – 120. «Проходной» балл зависит от специфики требований вуза, в который Вы собираетесь поступать. Для получения актуальной информации по условиям следует связаться непосредственно с интересующим вас вузом. При этом следует знать, что даже если представители вуза отрицают наличие определенных требований в отношении минимального проходного балла, как правило, негласный минимум все же существует.



Когда следует начать подготовку к тесту TOEFL?
Для большинства абитуриентов, владеющих английским языком на уровне Upper-Intermediate и Advanced, подготовку к тестированию TOEFL следует начать как минимум за 2-3 месяца до назначенной даты экзамена.

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